My passion
As people enter their mature years, they begin to visibly experience changes related to aging, such as thinning hair, graying, dull skin, and changes in facial contours and body shape.
Some may also notice changes within themselves.
Those who choose to skillfully embrace these changes become increasingly attractive as they age.
Embracing the unique characteristics of aging hair can bring a sense of comfort to everyday life and serve as an essence of actively embracing one's age.
My identity lies in giving mature women a sense of fulfillment through personalized perms that positively embrace aging.
価値 Values
[ 1 ] カウンセリング Counseling with deep understanding
Through counseling, I will understand your hair concerns and hairstyle preferences resulting from aging, and propose an ideal hair design for you.
[ 2 ] オーダーメイドのヘアデザイン Customized hair design
I find fulfillment in creating custom hair designs that enhance the individual's qualities such as hair texture, bone structure, personality, and fashion preferences, allowing them to feel comfortable and content in their daily lives. Throughout our sessions, I will seek feedback to continually refine the precision of the hair design based on your preferences.
[ 3 ] スタイリングやヘアケアのアドバイス Individualized styling and care recommendations
I will provide tailored advice on aging care and instruct you on styling methods that suit your needs. I would be delighted if my knowledge and techniques become valuable assets for you.
デザインアプローチ Design approach
物理 Phisycs
Creating hairstyles that are beautiful from every angle through geometric cuts, perms, and design colors tailored to each individual's bone structure contributes to the reproducibility for our clients at home, ensuring they can recreate the style with ease.
科学 Science
I aim to minimize the burden on aging hair and utilize agents that maximize the effectiveness of perms and colors. Additionally, I use shampoos and treatments tailored to the scalp and hair texture of mature women, striving to design while preserving the beauty of my clients' hair materials.
センス Sense
輪郭やファッションを含めたトータルバランスから導き出すヘアデザインの美的感覚が、私の強みです。お客様の 顔のパーツに焦点を当てながら、リフトアップするフォルムや、目力が強めて表情が映える顔周りのバランスを探し出します。
My strength lies in the aesthetic sense of deriving hair designs from the overall balance, including facial contours and fashion elements. Focusing on the individual facial features of our customers, I seek out the balance around the face that enhances lift-up forms and intensifies eye expression, creating a harmonious and captivating overall look.
心理 Psychology
Through counseling, I identify the underlying needs and concerns regarding hairstyles, guiding the hair design process. Additionally, I place great importance on carefully understanding our clients' personalities and incorporating them into the design.